Submit a Service Request


Municipal District of Taber

Form Help (click to show form tips)
  • Phone Number and Email are listed in order for the municipality to efficiently communicate with you on your request.
  • Physical address, in this case, refers specifically to the location of the request. If the request location is physically at a municipal address site please submit the address, if not a short description or road name is adequate. The map and location pin will auto adjust to an address if selected from a match that appears in the menu as you type, if not drag the pin as close as you can to the request site.
  • Council Division will automatically adjust if an address is selected, if not try to select the appropriate Council Division number that the request is located within; if you do not know we will adjust the division internally when it is processed. 
  • Town and Postal Code are not a priority for our system please try to submit a valid Town\Hamlet and postal code if possible.
  • Select a Category type from the drop-down menu that best matches your request. The drop-down list reflects our current list of departments. The Request Type drop-down menu will auto adjust to represent the services that are offered within the selected department. Please select an accurate service from the Request Type menu.
  • If you are unable to find an accurate Category please select Other Services and Other as a Service Type and we will reassign the request internally based on your description.
  • Please provide a detailed description and include as much information as possible to assist staff with your request.   Additional location information is valuable and can be included in the Request Details.

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