Agricultural Service Board

Guidance, expertise and resources to help regional producers prosper.

The MD of Taber's Agricultural Service Board (ASB) provides essential expertise and resources to regional producers. They manage weed, pest, soil, and water conservation programs, control livestock diseases, promote agricultural policies, undertake Council-referred projects, and assist with the MD of Taber's Agricultural Services budget.

The ASB consists of four MD of Taber Council members and three members-at-large, totalling seven. Together with the Agricultural Fieldman and Assistant Agricultural Fieldman, they address local agricultural issues by developing and implementing policies and programs benefiting farmers and the environment. They also enforce four provincial acts when necessary: 

Each year, the ASB attends the Provincial Agricultural Service Board Conference for industry updates and to propose resolutions to various government levels. They collaborate with the agricultural community to develop environmental stewardship programs tailored to local conditions, considering climate, soil, and water relationships.

For more information view the Agricultural Service Board Policy, the Agricultural Service Board Bylaw No 2005, meeting agendas and minutes, and learn about the Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen (AAAF).

Agricultural Service Board Membership

Vacant member-at-large positions on the ASB are advertised on the MD of Taber's channels. To apply, visit Boards, Commissions & Committees. Current members of the ASB include:

  • Reeve Tamara Miyanaga
  • Deputy Reeve Joh DeGroot
  • Councillor Merrill Harris
  • Councillor John Turcato
  • Councillor Brian G. Hildebrand
  • Councillor Murray Reynolds
  • Councillor Chantal Claassen
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