Small Business Subclass

As a key part of its economic development strategy, the Municipal District of Taber Council has committed to fostering a culture of growth. This means providing a competitive tax environment that encourages sustained growth and development of small businesses.

Until recently, businesses were charged the same property tax rate regardless of their size. The Small Business Subclass offers up to 25 per cent in tax savings compared to other non-residential properties.

As a result of a revision to the Municipal Government Act, Council and Administration of the Municipal District of Taber have divided the non-residential class into 3 subclasses, defined in related regulations as follows:

  • Vacant non-residential property
  • Small non-residential business property
  • Other non-residential property

The program is available to all small business properties (other than designated industrial properties) that are owned or leased by a business that has fewer than 50 full-time employees.

To qualify, each small business property owner must voluntarily register annually and the small business must comply with our Small Business Subclass Bylaw No 1997. This allows Council to consider a different tax rate for each non-residential subclass during the annual budget process.

Properties that are eligible will be taxed at a reduced rate compared to the rural non-residential municipal tax rate.

Please note

The deadline to register is February 15th of the assessment year to be applied to the following tax year.

Call 403-223-3541
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


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