Renewable Energy

Energy has long stood as a pivotal pillar of industry within the Municipal District of Taber. Upon its initial settlement, this region witnessed the emergence of multiple coal mining enterprises. However, by the 1920s, coal mining activity experienced a significant decline, which marked the beginning of a profound transformation. In 1937, the remarkable discovery of oil established itself as a cornerstone of economic sustenance within our jurisdiction.

In light of escalating energy demands, the imperative for harnessing power from renewable sources has gained momentum. This need has become even more pronounced in the face of escalating conventional energy costs and the ongoing surge in population. The bountiful presence of wind and solar resources in our locale provides a propitious backdrop for advancing renewable energy initiatives. Recognizing the urgency of this transition, the Municipal District of Taber has proactively revised its Land Use Bylaw No 1979 to maximize efficiency in the installation of renewable and alternative energy systems.

These ventures in clean energy development represent a pivotal stride toward not only curtailing emissions but also fostering new employment opportunities. In embracing these projects, the Municipal District of Taber aspires to serve as a beacon of sustainable progress and environmentally responsible growth.

Recent interest in solar development within the Municipal District of Taber can be attributed to the abundant solar irradiance in the region. This ample resource is not solely advantageous for agricultural stakeholders but extends its benefits to a broader spectrum of endeavours.

Prairie Sunlight I Solar Project is a 74.9 megawatt (MW) solar facility, located on 552 acres of private land in MD of Taber, Alberta, north of Enchant and south-east of Lomond, immediately adjacent to the Enchant Substation. The project is estimated to offset 89,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, generating enough electricity to power more than 18,000 Alberta homes. The total capital cost of the project is expected to exceed $125 million, bringing an important source of direct and indirect economic activity to the MD of Taber and the communities of Enchant and Lomond.

Prairie Sunlight II Solar Project is a 24.5 megawatt (MW) solar facility, located on 160 acres of private land in MD of Taber, south of the Town of Vauxhall. The project is estimated to offset 29,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, generating enough electricity to power more than 6,000 Alberta homes.

Prairie Sunlight III Solar Project is a 22 megawatt (MW) solar facility, located on 193 acres of Bow River Irrigation District land in MD of Taber, Alberta, near the Town of Vauxhall. The project is estimated to offset 26,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, generating enough electricity to power more than 5,400 Alberta homes.

Vauxhall Solar Farm is a 60 megawatt (MW) solar facility, located on approximately 940 acres of private land in the MD of Taber, Alberta, near the Town of Vauxhall. The project is estimated to offset 70,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually, generating enough electricity to power more than 14,000 Alberta homes. The total capital cost of the project is expected to exceed $90 million, bringing an important source of direct and indirect economic activity to the MD of Taber and the Town of Vauxhall.

RenuWell Project received a $2 million investment from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre for its successful application to the Municipal Community Generation Challenge. The RenuWell Project will demonstrate how re-purposing legacy oil and gas infrastructure to community solar development can provide significant benefits to energy industries, the environment, and the economy. The widespread deployment of this concept will position Alberta as a worldwide leader in energy diversification. This project is ongoing, and updates on progress will be provided regularly.

Sunlight Density

Wind energy development

Wind energy has arisen as a burgeoning industry within the Municipal District of Taber, with two operational projects currently established in the region.

Chin Chute Wind Farm was completed in 2006 and consists of 20 turbines with the capacity to generate 30 MW of electricity. The initial investment in this project was $60 million and is owned by Enbridge Wind Power General Partnership (Enbridge), Acciona Wind Energy Canada Inc. (Acciona), and Suncor Energy Products Inc. (Suncor). The Project is operated by Acciona (Facility Operator). 

Taber Wind Farm is owned and operated by ENMAX Energy, the Taber Wind Farm consists of 37 Enercon E-70 Wind Turbines, each having a power output of 2.3MW. It has a total capacity of approximately 81MW. All of the energy generated for the next 20 years is already purchased by the City of Calgary.

Enchant Residential Lots for Sale
Enchant Residential Lots for Sale