2025 Rental Equipment & Fees

Specialized gear when you need it.

Agricultural Services provides information, expertise, and rental equipment to assist producers with a wide range of seasonal needs. From noxious weed and pest control to crop management tools, we’ll get you growing in the right direction. To book rental equipment, contact Agricultural Services at 403-223-8735.

View the MD of Taber Fees and Charges Bylaw No 2012.

Call 403-223-8735
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Spraying TypeFees
Herbicide spraying – road top$60.00/hectare (+ cost of chemical)
Herbicide spraying – spot spraying$65.00/hour (+ cost of chemical)
Insecticide spray rentals$40.00/day (3-day limit)**
Potato bin disinfecting rentals$40.00/day (3-day limit)**
**A fee of $100.00 will be charged if this rental item is not returned clean. An additional $200.00 pickup fee will be charged for any rental item not returned.

Grass seeding

Equipment TypeFees
Tractor with drill and operator$100.00/hour 
10-Foot pan drill rental$125.00/day**
Grass seedInvoiced at current seed prices
**A fee of $100.00 will be charged if this rental item is not returned clean. An additional $200.00 pickup fee will be charged for any rental item not returned.


Equipment TypeFees
Tractor with 15-foot rotary mower and operator$100.00/hour
Removal of vegetation and trees outside municipal right-of-ways$150.00/hour

Shelterbelt and tree planting

Equipment TypeRental Fees
Tree planter rentalNo Charge (2-day limit during busy season)** 
Shelterbelt treesInvoiced at current tree prices*
*Successful applicants of the MD of Taber Shelterbelt Program will be invoiced 50% of the costs shared between the MD of Taber and the landowner.
**A fee of $100.00 will be charged if this rental item is not returned clean. An additional $200.00 pickup fee will be charged for any rental item not returned.

Pest control

Equipment TypeRental Fees
Trap purchase$100.00/trap
Bran bait spreader rentalNo charge (bait not provided)

A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.
A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.