Boards, Commissions & Committees

Representatives from the Municipal District of Taber and other members of the community are involved in many different boards, commissions and committees (BCCs) that help guide and shape our community's future direction. BCCs provide members of Council with information, advice and recommendations regarding important community issues and topics.

BCCs are made up of a combination of residents, organizational representatives, MD staff representatives and members of Council. All BCCs are voluntary, and typically no remuneration or benefits are offered to BCC members.

Volunteer for a position on a BCC

If you are interested in serving on one of the Municipality’s BCCs, please complete the online application form below. You may attach a resume and any additional information (2 pages maximum) and you must be a resident of the Municipal District of Taber to be eligible for appointment to any of the Municipality’s BCCs.

View our Boards, Commissions and Committees Toolkit and Application (PDF) for more information on BCCs, how to apply, the recruitment process, BCC descriptions and more.

Submit completed applications either in person, by fax to 403-223-1799, or by email to to the attention of:

Lace Lutz
Executive Assistant
Municipal District of Taber
4900B – 50th Street
Taber, Alberta
T1G 1T2

List of opportunities

*No vacancies available.

Function and duties:
  • The Agricultural Service Board is established in accordance with the Agricultural Service Board Act.
  • The Agricultural Service Board advises on and helps organize and direct weed and pest control and soil and water conservation programs, to assist in the control of animal disease under the Animal Health Act, to promote, enhance, and protect viable and sustainable agriculture to improve the economic viability of the agricultural producer, and to promote and develop agricultural policies to meet the needs of the municipality.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by The Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
Members and staff:
  • Three (3) public members are appointed to the Agricultural Service Board.
Meeting times:
  • The Agricultural Service Board will meet once a month at such time and place as determined by the Board.

*Vacancies are available.

Function and duties:
  • The Weed Control Act Appeal Board is established in accordance with the Weed Control Act.
  • The Weed Control Act Appeal Board makes decisions on appeals concerning notices issued against any land and/or personal property for the destruction or control of the named weed.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by The Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
Members and staff:
  • Three (3) public members are appointed to the Weed Control Act Appeal Board.

*Vacancies are available.

Function and duties:
  • The Unsightly Premises Appeal Board is established in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
  • The Unsightly Premises Appeal Board reviews issued orders after they are appealed and may confirm, vary, substitute, or cancel the order based on presented evidence.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by The Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
Members and staff:
  • Three (3) public members are appointed to the Unsightly Premises Appeal Board.
Meeting times:
  • The Unsightly Premises Appeal Board shall meet at such times as are necessary to consider and decide appeals submitted to the Municipal District of Taber Administration.

*No vacancies available.

Function and duties:
  • The Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is established by Bylaw No 1945 in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
  • The Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board is an independent Board made up of residents from member municipalities in the region that will hear appeals on Development Authority decisions, as well as the decisions of the Subdivision Authority.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by The Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
  • A maximum of three (3) members and a minimum of one (1) member comprised of one (1) Council member and (2) members at large. If two (2) or fewer persons are appointed as members, they must be non-elected persons at large.
Meeting times:
  • The Intermunicipal Subdivision & Development Appeal Board shall meet at such times as are necessary to consider and decide appeals submitted to the Municipal District of Taber Administration.
  • Members must successfully complete Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Training as required under legislation.

*No vacancies available.

Function and duties:
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by the Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
  • A minimum of one (1) member. The member can be a member at large or an elected official.
Meeting times:
  • The Assessment Review Board shall meet at such times as are necessary to consider and decide complaints submitted to the Municipal District of Taber Administration.
  • Members must successfully complete Assessment Review Board Training as required under legislation.

*No vacancies available.

Function and duties:
  • The Municipal District of Taber Library Board is established by the Bylaw No 1864 in accordance with the Alberta Libraries Act.
  • The Municipal District of Taber Library Board has full management and control of the libraries located in Barnwell, Grassy Lake, Enchant, and Hays and shall, in accordance with the regulations, organize, promote, and maintain comprehensive and efficient library services in all locations.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by the Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
  • Seven (7) members comprised of one (1) Council member, one (1) representative from the Hays Library, one (1) representative from the Enchant Library one (1) representative from the Grassy Lake Library, one (1) representative from the Vauxhall Library, one (1) representative from the Barnwell Library and one (1) representative from the Taber Library.
Meeting times:
  • The Municipal District of Taber Library Board will meet at such time and place as determined by the Board.

*No vacancies available.

Function and duties:
  • The Municipal District of Taber Airport Commission Board is established by Bylaw No 1737 in accordance with the Regional Airport Authorities Act
  • The Municipal District of Taber Airport Commission has full management and control of the Municipal District of Taber Airport.
Term of office:
  • One year, as appointed by the Municipal District of Taber Council.
  • A member is eligible to be reappointed for consecutive terms of office.
  • Five (5) members comprised of one (1) Municipal District of Taber Council member, one (1) Town of Taber Council member and three (3) members at large. The members at large must be leaseholders at the Airport.
Meeting times:
  • The Municipal District of Taber Airport Commission will meet at such time and place as determined by the Board.
Food Venture Boot Camp Registration
Food Venture Boot Camp Registration