Hamlets & Utilities

Meeting the needs of a growing community

In accordance with the MD of Taber Utility Bylaw No 1983, the Hamlets & Utilities department is a team of dedicated and skilled professionals that manage and operate municipal utility infrastructure providing safe, reliable drinking water and wastewater services to many residents. The Hamlets & Utilities department is required to comply with Environment Canada and Alberta Environment and Parks regulations and acts when providing services to our residents.

Water services

Hamlets & Utilities supplies water to many residents in the Municipal District of Taber including the Hamlets of Grassy Lake, Hays and Enchant and country residential areas. Hamlets & Utilities operates two types of distribution systems: high-pressure underground pipe systems and bulk water fill stations. The department also works with two regional water services commissions to ensure safe water distribution in the region. The core Water services are:

  • Water sampling
  • Hydrant spring/fall inspections
  • Water valve turning
  • Unidirectional flushing program
  • Meter installation
  • Water infrastructure repairs
  • Utility locates
  • Contracted services for external parties
  • Pump-house and reservoir inspection, maintenance and cleaning

These services provide safe, cost-effective potable water delivery that complies with municipal, provincial and federal standards and regulations.

Wastewater services

Hamlets & Utilities operates and maintains all underground sewer systems for the Hamlets of Grassy Lake, Hays and Enchant. This includes gravity and low-pressure sewer systems from the property up to and including the lift station and lagoons. The core Wastewater services are:

  • Mainline flushing
  • Camera inspections of utility infrastructure
  • Wastewater infrastructure repairs
  • Lift station inspection, maintenance and cleaning
  • Sewer backup response
  • Service lateral preventative maintenance program
  • Lagoon inspection and maintenance
  • Source control program

These services provide wastewater conveyance that is delivered safely, efficiently and in compliance with municipal, provincial and federal standards and regulations.

Waste transfer stations & landfills

Agricultural Services maintains our Waste Transfer Stations and Class III Landfills which are intended to provide a means for residents to dispose of basic household and farmyard solid waste. The MD of Taber also holds agreements with the Town of Taber and the Town of Vauxhall to allow residents access to their Waste Transfer Stations and Landfills:

Learn more about our Recycling Program. Farmers learn more about our Ag Recycling Program.

Winter Road Maintenance Program
Winter Road Maintenance Program