Ag Recycling Program

The Municipal District of Taber, in partnership with Cleanfarms and the Agricultural Plastic Recycling Group, is operating a three-year pilot program to collect agricultural grain bags and twine for recycling.

For more information on the Alberta Ag-Plastic. Recycle It! pilot program, visit the CleanFarms website.

Grain Bags

Follow these 3 steps to ensure that your used grain bags can be accepted and recycled:

  1. Shake – Remove debris; grain bags need to be as clean as possible with care to remove as much organic material (spoilage, dirt, etc.) before or during rolling. Excessively dirty or loose/unrolled bags may be rejected or subject to a landfill tipping fee or additional charges at drop-off.

  2. Roll – Prepare grain bags by tightly rolling with a mechanical grain bag roller or baler, and then securing tightly with twine. Grain bag rollers and compactors are available at the MD of Taber Public Works office for use at collection sites.

  3. Return – Please contact the MD of Taber Public Works office prior to dropping off material if unloading assistance is required and if you are unsure if you have prepared it properly. The MD of Taber collection sites also accepts properly prepared twine (excluding net wrap) for recycling.

What‘s In & What’s Out for Grain Bags

What's inWhat's out
  • Mechanically rolled or baled grain bags
  • Unrolled grain bags
  • Hand-rolled grain bags
  • Silage tarps
  • All other bale/silage films or bags


Follow these 3 steps to ensure that your used twine can be accepted and recycled: 

  1. Shake – Remove as much debris, snow or ice as possible. Excessively dirty or contaminated twine may be rejected.

  2. Bag – Place loose twine in a clear collection bag, poke holes in the bottom to drain moisture, and secure bag closed with twine or a zip tie. Please do not knot the twine. Twine collection bags are available at no cost and can be obtained from the MD of Taber Operations and Maintenance facility located at 171027 on Highway 3 near Barnwell.

  3. Return – Please book a delivery time by contacting Ag Services prior to dropping off material.

What‘s In & What’s Out for Twine

What's inWhat's out
  • Clean & dry twine, placed in a recycling bag
  • Net wrap or netting
  • Fiber (sisel) twine
  • Nylon rope
  • Bale/silage wrap

Containers up to 23L

Follow these 3Rs to ensure that your containers are accepted and can be recycled:  

  1. Rinse – Triple or pressure rinse to ensure no product is wasted.

  2. Remove – Remove caps and booklets (place in the garbage); leave the glued-on label. Remove the metal handle from fertilizer pails.

  3. Return to your local collection site – listed below.

What‘s In & What’s Out

What's inWhat's out
  • Clean, rinsed pesticide & fertilizer containers (classified as ‘Commercial’)
  • Includes seed treatment containers
  • Unrinsed containers
  • Containers used for home and garden care with the words ‘Domestic’ on their label

Collection Site Locations

  • Enchant
  • Hays
  • Vauxhall
  • Taber
  • Grassy Lake

Visit our Transfer Stations & Landfills page.

Aggregate Crusher Operator
Aggregate Crusher Operator