About the MD of Taber


The MD of Taber is located in south-central Alberta neighbouring 6 other rural municipalities. Running east through the centre of the municipalities is the Oldman River which joins with the Bow River at our east boundary. The Bow River defines a majority of our north boundary and Chin Lakes, as well as Chin Coulee, defines the south.

We have access to primary highways such as Highway 3, 36, and 25, as well as a number of secondaries that divide the MD of Taber proportionately. These highways provide great access and routing to all major centres. To learn more visit our online Community Profile.

Population and statistics

According to the 2021 Census of Population by Statistics Canada, the Municipal District of Taber has a total population of 7,447. Of these, 5,909 residents live in rural areas, while 1,538 reside in the district's hamlets. A summary of the hamlet populations is provided below.

HamletLocation DescriptionPopulation
Grassy LakeApproximately 4 kilometres from the east boundary on Highway 3856
HaysAt the intersection of Highway 875 and 524196
EnchantIn the northwest corner of the MD along Highway 526259 (2016)
Johnson's AdditionAdjacent to the west side of the Town of Taber126
Purple SpringsApproximately 16 kilometres east of the Town of Taber on Highway 3101

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Food Venture Boot Camp Registration
Food Venture Boot Camp Registration