Visit the Ghost Town of Retlaw

Retlaw United/Union Church

Take a trip to the ghost town of Retlaw. You will notice some great historical signage placed by the Retlaw Historical Society, a camp kitchen, the old hall, a home or two, the ball diamond and some bases that show where buildings were once located. Still, the highlight has to be the restored Retlaw United/Union Church.

The church was constructed in 1918, during the good years of Retlaw, which started as a CPR town in 1913 that boomed incredibly in its early years.

Since then, the church has served as the site for several weddings and funerals and an annual candlelight Christmas service. This church, its restoration and its upkeep are a testament to the Retlaw community, Retlaw Historical Society and to descendants of the Retlaw settlers who have worked so hard to maintain this piece of their shared story.

It is a unique sight on the open prairie, and like many who visit, get ready for a lot of photos!

If you want to book an event at the church or go on a guided tour of the town, email or call 403-654-0220 in advance.

[Retlaw is located west of Vauxhall or, if coming from Taber, NW of Taber.]

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