Municipal Addressing

Ensure your address is visible

In an emergency, every second counts. A clear addressing system helps emergency services—fire, police, and ambulance—locate your home or business quickly. It also improves rural routing for residents, mail delivery, and supports phone and utility services.

It is your responsibility to ensure your address is clearly visible. By following the General Guidelines on civic and rural addressing, you can verify that your address is accurate, properly represented, and visible, in accordance with the MD of Taber Addressing Bylaw No 1982.

For additional information or to submit requests, use Service Tracker.

Call 403-223-3541
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Frequently asked questions

A Civic Address is an address assigned to property within a hamlet or subdivision that is associated with unique road naming conventions other than Township Road, Range Road, Highway, or Hays Road. Civic addresses are made up of an address number that is to be associated with the public roadway from which the property is addressed by the Municipal District. Address numbers are to be installed on the structure or building that is facing the associated roadway/road name from which it is addressed in accordance with the MD of Taber Addressing Guideline.

A Rural Address is an address assigned to property that is outside of a hamlet or subdivision that is associated with road naming conventions that include Township Road, Range Road, Highway, or Hays Road. Rural Addresses are made of a combination of a 5 or 6 digit number and road name in accordance with the Alberta Municipal Affairs Addressing Project - Addressing Guidelines. Multiple addresses sharing a common approach may require unique addressing in which a unit letter is assigned for example 100004C RGE RD 144. Rural addresses are installed along public roadways representing access to an addressed property and include either a single address blade or a combination of address blade and unit sign. 

Addressing assignments (both civic and rural) are at the discretion of the MD of Taber and are assigned to properties with permanent buildings or structures that facilitate places of residence and or work. Specific to rural addressing, assignments are completed once a primary access to a property is permanently established. Civic addresses are typically assigned during lot development, subdivision or consolidation. Address inquires can be made by contacting the Administration Office at 403-223-3541 or by submitting a Service Request.

A legal land description will provide a general location to a property somewhere on a specific quarter, but a rural address will pinpoint the exact access to the property along a public roadway. A rural address offers Emergency Services an effective way to help reduce response times in emergency situations by knowing the exact location and access to the property.

Any parcel of land with a fixed structure placed thereon may be assigned an address by the Municipal District, in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaw.

Municipal addressing is assigned during the development permit process which occurs on a regular basis. Rural addressing may be assigned to a property with permanent buildings or structures that facilitate places of residence and or work. Rural address assignments are completed once a primary access is permanently established along a public roadway. Please contact the Administration office at 403-223-3541 or submit a Service Request for all other addressing inquires.

Over time, you may be required to replace damaged or missing address signage (civic or rural) or if it does not comply with the Municipal District’s Addressing Guidelines. 

  • To order a new or replacement rural address sign please contact Administration at 403-223-3541 or submit a Service Request.
  • Owners will be invoiced for the cost of the sign only.
  • The Municipal District is responsible for the installation of all rural addressing signage.

The Municipal District of Taber is responsible for installing all rural addressing signs including replacements, in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaw. All parcels of land with a building placed thereon may be assigned an address by the Municipal District in accordance with addressing guidelines and if so assigned shall be physically addressed in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaw. Rural address assignments will be completed once a primary access is permanently established. Owners may be required over time to replace civic or rural addressing signage that is damaged, missing or does not comply with the Municipal District’s addressing guidelines in which the owner will be responsible for the cost of the replacement signage only. Replacement rural addressing signage will be ordered and installed by the Municipal District, at which time the owner will be invoiced for the actual cost of the replacement signage only. Initially rural addressing signage, both cost and installation, will be covered by the Municipal District.

It is your responsibility to make sure that your addressing signage can be seen while travelling in either direction from the public roadway.

  • In hamlets and subdivisions, all residences and businesses must display clear and appropriately sized numbers that identify the address.
  • In rural areas, a standard blue reflective sign is required. It is the owner's responsibility to maintain the sign.
  • Maintenance involves keeping the sign clean and clear of any debris and removing obstructions such as trimming back bushes, trees and weeds.

A road name sign provides a means of following route directions and navigating municipal and provincial roadways. The Municipal District is responsible for ordering, installing and maintaining all local\Municipal road name signage that exists throughout public roadway intersections. Road name signage corresponds with assigned municipal addressing in accordance with addressing guidelines.

Please contact Administration at 403-223-3541 or submit a Service Request for all road name signage inquires including damaged sign reporting.

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Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program