Proudly Grown Certificate Program

The mission of the MD of Taber's Agricultural Service Board (ASB) includes the promotion and support of agriculture and agribusiness. Council and the ASB recognize the high quality of products grown in this area, as well as the importance and growing popularity of locally grown agricultural products. In an effort to promote these products, the ASB has developed a “Locally Grown” certificate that farmers and producers can acquire.

Your completed application will be reviewed by the Manager of Agricultural Services or the Assistant Fieldman. After the certificate is issued, your farm name or business will be added to a list available on the MD of Taber website showing consumers and visitors which producers are certified “Locally Grown” in the MD of Taber. A logo indicating that the product is proudly grown in the MD of Taber can also be supplied to interested producers for placement on their own packaging.

Related links

Locally Grown Certificate Policy

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