Assessment Review Board

The Assessment Review Board is an independent group that handles complaints about property assessments by the Municipal District of Taber and makes decisions based on the evidence presented. It is separate from the Municipal District of Taber and consists of impartial members.

Before you file a complaint

If you are thinking about filing a complaint with the Assessment Review Board, we suggest you get in touch with your assigned Assessor at Benchmark Assessments Consultants Inc to discuss any assessment-related concerns. You can also find helpful publications about assessment complaints on the Alberta Municipal Affairs website.

Filing a formal complaint 

If you believe your assessment is incorrect, you have the option to submit a complaint to the Assessment Review Board. The Municipal Government Act's Section 460 outlines what you can complain about.

Please be aware

That it is not possible to file a complaint regarding tax rates.

How to file a complaint

To file a complaint with the Assessment Review Board, you can download the Complaint Form from the Alberta Municipal Affairs website, following the instructions provided.

Your complaint form should include:

  1. Clearly state which information on your assessment notice or tax notice you believe is incorrect.
  2. Explain how and in what way that information is incorrect.
  3. Specify the accurate information.
  4. If your complaint pertains to an assessment, include the requested assessed value.

Once you have filled out the form, please submit it to the Assessment Review Board as described below.

Both your completed Assessment Review Board Complaint Form and the filing fee must reach the Assessment Review Board by the deadline mentioned on your assessment notice or tax notice.

Deliver To
Assessment Review Board Clerk
c/o Municipal District of Taber
4900B – 50th Street
Taber, AB T1G 1T2
Mail To
Assessment Review Board Clerk
c/o Municipal District of Taber
4900B – 50th Street
Taber, AB T1G 1T2
Email To 

View the MD of Taber Fees and Charges Bylaw No 1999.

Farmland Assessment$50.00 per roll number
Residential (3 or fewer dwellings)$50.00 per roll number
Residential (4 or more dwellings)$325.00 per roll number
Non-Residential (including machinery & equipment)$650.00 per roll number

Note: The Assessment Review Board will not hear any matters or reasons that are not clearly described on the Complaint Form. All filing fees are reimbursed if the Assessment Review Board makes a decision in favour of the complainant.

  • Your completed complaint form(s) and filing fee(s) must be received by the ARB Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date indicated on the front of this notice
  • Cash, cheque or debit are accepted.
  • Credit card payments can be made on the Municipal District of Taber’s website through OptionPay (service fees apply).

Complaints must be processed on or before the “Final Complaint Date” as shown on the front of your notice, or the complaint is not valid and will not be filed. The Assessment Review Board has no jurisdiction to extend a complaint for any reason.

If you have hired someone to represent you, a completed agent authorization form must be submitted at the time of filing. Download the Assessment Complaints Agent Authorization Form (PDF).

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