Request a Fire Permit

Statement of permittee's responsibilities:

  • Fire Permits are free of charge and are valid until the end of the calendar year (December 31).
  • Permit authorized only when winds are less than 20 kilometres per hour according to Environment Canada for your area
  • The permittee is responsible for the safe control of the burning herein authorized.
  • A minimum of one (1) adult (per burn pile), capable of extinguishing a fire, must be in attendance at all times.
  • Sufficient tools, equipment, manpower and quantities of water must be readily available for the size of burn being conducted.
  • The fire must be completely extinguished by dark.
  • Visibility on adjacent roads, particularly if you are within 1000 metres of a primary or secondary highway, must be considered prior to lighting your permitted fire.
  • The permit or the permit number MUST be produced upon request by fire personnel, or by a Peace Officer at the site.
  • Attest the information is accurate and have authority to sign fire permit application.
  • Permits are not valid until approved by an MD of Taber Fire Guardian or Designate.
  • Be sure to thoroughly read the application to understand your responsibilities.
  • If the Fire Hazard is high, the MD of Taber may impose a Fire Ban which automatically suspends all issued Fire Permits. Always check our website or the Alberta Fire Bans website for more information and before you burn to ensure no Fire Ban is in effect.
  • View the MD of Taber Fire Services Bylaw No. 1956 here.

Fire permit application

There are 2 burn types that require a permit. Each burn type requires special considerations.

If you are requesting a Yard Clean Up and Pit Burn, please fill out the information as outlined below. Your application will be submitted for review within the next business day. If your application is successful you will receive an email with the attached printable documents – the approved permit along with guidelines for burning.

If you are requesting a Field Stubble and Balefire Burn, your application will be submitted for review and you will be contacted within the next business day. An appointment will be made to visit your location and review your fire precautions and permit.

Fire Advisory in Effect
Fire Advisory in Effect