Request a Fire Permit

Fire Permit Guidelines

Fire permits are issued free of charge and remain valid until December 31 of the calendar year.

Key Safety Requirements:

  • Wind Conditions: Permits are only valid when wind speeds are less than 20 km/h, as reported by Environment Canada for your area. Check conditions here: Environment Canada.

  • Supervision: A minimum of one (1) capable adult must be present for each burn pile at all times. This individual must be prepared and equipped to extinguish the fire if necessary.

  • Equipment and Resources: Ensure that sufficient tools, equipment, manpower, and water supplies are readily available, appropriate to the size of the burn.

  • Burn Timing: All fires must be fully extinguished by nightfall.

  • Roadway Visibility: Before lighting a fire, consider visibility impacts on nearby roads, especially if the burn site is within 1000 metres of a primary or secondary highway.

  • Permit Documentation: The fire permit or permit number must be presented upon request by fire personnel or a Peace Officer at the site.

  • Application Accuracy: By submitting the application, you confirm the accuracy of the provided information and your authority to sign it.

Permit Approval: Permits are not valid until approved by an MD of Taber Fire Guardian or Designate. Please review the application thoroughly to understand your responsibilities.

Fire Ban Considerations: The MD of Taber may impose a Fire Ban during periods of high fire hazard. In such cases, all issued permits are automatically suspended. Always check the MD of Taber website or the Alberta Fire Bans website for updates before burning.

For further details, refer to the MD of Taber Fire Services Bylaw No. 1956.

  Please ensure you understand and adhere to the specific considerations for your burn type before submitting your application.

Certain types of burns require special considerations before a permit can be issued. There are two specific burn types that need careful attention:

  1. Yard Clean-Up and Pit Burn: If you are applying for this type of burn, please complete the information as outlined below. Your application will be reviewed within the next business day. If approved, you will receive an email with printable documents, including your permit and detailed burning guidelines.

  2. Field Stubble and Balefire Burn: If you are applying for this type of burn, your application will be reviewed within the next business day. If it meets the requirements, you will be contacted to schedule an on-site visit. During this visit, fire precautions will be assessed, and your permit will be finalized if all safety conditions are met.

Burnable debris

Fire permit holders may burn the following items:

  • Paper products
  • Untreated wood (wood or wood products that do not contain preservatives)
  • Yard waste (grass/tree clippings, leaves, branches, fallen trees, brush, weeds, etc.)
  • Straw and stubble

Prohibited debris

These items cannot be burned, even with a fire permit:

  • Wood or wood products that contain preservatives
  • Non-wooden material
  • Waste material from construction sites (untreated wood is permitted)
  • Plastics (including chemical or pesticide containers, silage plastic, grain bags, and baler twine. However, these items can be recycled at our collection site locations.) 
  • Rubber (including tires)
  • Animal manure or cadavers
  • Pathological waste
  • Combustible material in automobile bodies
  • Oil

If you need clarification on what materials you can and cannot burn, please call Administration at 403-223-3541.

If you burn prohibited debris, you may be fined under MD of Taber’s Fire Services Bylaw No. 1956.

A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.
A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.