Waste Collection

Curbside collection is only available in Grassy Lake. The Municipal District of Taber has contracted Green For Life (GFL) to deliver automated waste collection services every Friday. Find the location of a recycling trailer near you.

Residents with an MD of Taber utility account will receive one (95 gallon / 360 litre) rollout cart at no additional cost. The carts are the property of the Municipal District of Taber and will receive a serial number assigned to your property address. If you sell your property or move, the cart must remain with the property. Lost or damaged carts will be replaced at the property owner's expense. To replace a lost or damaged cart please call us at 403-223-3541.

Download the Grassy Lake Cart Rollout brochure (PDF)

Call 403-223-3541
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Grassy Lake collection service is scheduled every Friday. 

Please note

Solid waste will not be collected on statutory holidays. The Municipal District of Taber will advise of alternative collection days.

Carts should be positioned facing the street (with the cartwheels oriented toward the home) and their lids closed. Ensure that the carts are placed upright on level ground, avoiding platforms, sidewalks, or any other structures. Proper placement enables automated trucks to collect and return the carts neatly. Please promptly retrieve the emptied carts from the street when it is convenient for you.

  • Be sure to set your carts out by 7:00 AM on collection day.
  • A minimum clearance of 1 m (3 ft) from fences, cars and other obstructions, and 3 m (10 ft) from any overhead obstructions is required.

  • Cart contents must not exceed 220 lbs.
  • Overfilled carts will not be collected.
  • Overfilled carts can spill items onto the street, which can attract birds and animals. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to make sure that waste materials are properly prepared for collection.
  • Extra waste can be taken to the Grassy Lake Landfill on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm free of charge.

Most items can be placed loose or in garbage bags in the cart. Below is a list of items that DO NOT go into the cart:

  • Liquid wastes
  • Chemical containers
  • Animal carcasses
  • Loose wire
  • Burning wastes
  • Hazardous wastes

If your cart is missing or damaged, the homeowner is responsible for replacing at their expense. To purchase a replacement call the MD of Taber at 403-223-3541.

If you did not receive a cart for your property and would like to receive one, please call the MD of Taber at 403-223-3541.

If your cart needs cleaning you can rinse it with a hose and pour the water on the grass or gravel. If material gets stuck inside the cart, you can use a broom or shovel handle to loosen it.

Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program