Road Approach Approval

If you are planning to construct a new approach, such as a driveway or field access, within a road right-of-way in the Municipal District of Taber, obtaining prior approval is essential. The MD of Taber ensures that the requested location is safe and practical, working closely with the landowner during the evaluation process.

Similarly, if you need to amend an existing road approach—whether to widen it or move its location—you must also seek approval from the MD of Taber. This process guarantees that any modifications to your approach adhere to safety standards and regulatory requirements.

To apply for either a new approach construction or an amendment to an existing approach, you will need to submit a Road Approach Application along with the required fees (select below). A preliminary inspection will be conducted to assess the proposed location or changes. Once approved, a permit will be issued to proceed with construction or amendments, which must be carried out by an Approved Contractor to ensure consistency and protect municipal infrastructure.

Call 403-223-3142
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

To proceed with a new approach, you will need to submit a New Road Approach Application along with the required fee of $300.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Submit Application: Complete the New Road Approach Application and submit it with the $300 fee.
  2. Preliminary Inspection: A preliminary inspection will be conducted before construction begins.
  3. Approval and Permit: Once approved, a permit will be issued to allow construction.
  4. Approved Contractor: The approach must be installed by an Approved Contractor to ensure consistency and protection of municipal infrastructure.

Note: If your Road Approach Application is part of a new property development, it will be included with your Development Application package.

To proceed with an amendment, you will need to submit a Existing Road Approach Application along with the required fee of $100.

Steps to Apply:

  1. Submit Application: Complete the Existing Road Approach Application and submit it with the $100 fee.
  2. Preliminary Inspection: A preliminary inspection will be conducted to assess the proposed changes.
  3. Approval and Permit: Once approved, a permit will be issued to proceed with the amendment.
  4. Approved Contractor: As with new constructions, any amendments must be performed by an Approved Contractor.

Note: Amending an existing approach requires the same level of approval and inspection as new constructions to ensure safety and compliance.

Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program