Recreation & Culture

Public recreation is an important aspect of daily life that enables individuals to become fit, relaxed, and energized; engage in enriching activities; enhance relationships and participate in their communities. 

The MD of Taber has adopted a community development approach to recreation service delivery. The Municipality provides support that enhances and builds capacity for involvement and engagement of residents and community-based organizations to initiate, develop, and administer programs, services, and facilities to the community as per the MD of Taber's Operational Grants for Recreation Boards, Towns and Villages Policy. 

Visitors are encouraged to experience what our parks, campgrounds, and recreation areas have to offer.

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A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.
A critical Inter-Basin Water Transfer Project is being planned for Milk River, Coutts, and the County of Warner.