2021 Recreational Grants Approved for Funding

For Immediate Release

June 23, 2021

TABER, AB — The Municipal District of Taber (MDT) is pleased to announce the recreational boards, towns and villages approved to receive funding from the 2021 Operational Grants Policy.

MDT officials say the grant enhances the quality of life for residents through recreation and/or culture by assisting towns, villages and non-profit community organizations with general operating and capital costs associated with building and enhancing recreation facilities and community halls located in the MDT.

To establish a consistent and orderly disbursement of the grants, the MDT adopted a new point system that allocates funds based on the number of recreational facilities of each organization. To qualify for points, facilities must have been active in the past year. This is the first year the grant was allocated using the new point system.

“The Municipal District of Taber is excited to collaborate with towns, villages and community organizations to give residents opportunities to enjoy recreation and culture experiences in supportive physical and social environments,” said Reeve Harris. “The approved grants will benefit many in our communities through promoting recreational opportunities and improving sport accessibility.”

According to officials, the MDT provided approximately $500,000 to facilitate the 2021 Recreational Grants for parks and recreational facilities. Grant submissions were received by April 30th for consideration, with the MDT Council approving the allocation of funds at the June 22nd regular Council meeting. 

Below is a list of recreational boards, towns and villages that received funding through the Policy:

OrganizationGrant Approval
Enchant Recreation Board$46,650
Hays Recreation Board$46,650
Grassy Lake Recreation Board$56,650
Town of Taber$199,824
Town of Vauxhall$118,099
Village of Barnwell$4,251

Below is a list of towns and villages that received additional funding as per the current Inter-Municipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) agreements:

OrganizationGrant Approval
Town of Vauxhall$2,800
Village of Barnwell$22,90
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program