MD of Taber Declares Municipal Agricultural Disaster

For Immediate Release

June 9, 2022

TABER, AB — In response to prolonged drought conditions carried over from last year’s extreme heat and severely low precipitation levels, Council has carried a motion to declare the MD of Taber a Municipal  Agricultural Disaster on Thursday, June 9th during a special council meeting.

At the meeting, Councillors expressed concern over current conditions, specifically the lack of precipitation affecting dryland and grazing lands, and the longer than usual wait times in receiving provincial assistance during last year’s declaration.

“The rains we have received these past few days brought some relief, but it is not enough to recover from when facing such an extreme moisture deficit,” said Reeve Merrill Harris. “This has markedly delayed many crops and grasslands across southern Alberta, making it a challenging year for all producers. It is Council’s hope that, through this declaration and our ongoing advocacy efforts, we can shine a spotlight on this critical issue and encourage other levels of government to provide support where possible.”

According to the Alberta Crop Report as of May 31st, surface soil moisture is (36.5 %) poor to (49.7 %) fair condition in the south region of the province. These ratings are poorer than this time last year and crop reports reference the need for significant precipitation.

Declaration of a Municipal Agricultural Disaster is designed to heighten awareness and collaboration among producers, industry, and provincial and federal governments. ­The Municipal District of Taber joins neighbouring municipalities that have declared the disaster in an effort to draw attention to the critical conditions developing across the region.

Council has voted to declare the disaster for a second straight year and was one of more than 40 Alberta municipalities to declare an agricultural disaster in 2021. 

For further updates on this evolving matter, please continue to monitor the MD of Taber's website and social media channels.

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