Century FarmFamily Recognised

For Immediate Release

April 25, 2023

TABER, AB — The Geremia family has been recognised for one hundred years on an original farmstead in the Municipal District of Taber.

During the Agricultural Service Board (ASB) meeting, family members were presented with the MD of Taber’s first Century Farm Family Plaque in Council Chambers on June 5th.

Division 6 Councillor, Murray Reynolds, present Geremia family members with the Century Farm Plaque.
 Family members are, left to right, Janae, Travis, David, Fran, Laine, Taylor holding daughter Teagan, and Bryden.

The family’s farm in the Retlaw area Division 6 is located at NE 24-13-18-W4.

On behalf of the Municipal District of Taber, Board Chair and Division 6 Councillor, Murray Reynolds, congratulated the Geremia family and outlined some of the family’s history in the region.

“They are outstanding farmers in the area, and this is truly a well-deserved award,” said ASB Chair Councillor Reynolds.

The Geremia family have farmed the same land since it was homesteaded in 1908.

The MD of Taber's Century Farm Family Award recognises farm families who have actively farmed and continue to own the same parcel of land for at least 100 years.

To learn more about the Geremia family's story or the MD of Taber’s Century Farm Family Award visit mdtaber.ab.ca/p/century-farm-award

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